Picture a SUPERMODEL on steroids! The Hypermodel increased speed and performance, propelling you to greater heights and distances with unmatched agility. I can hardly contain my excitement for the endless possibilities this amazing kite unveils.
The upgraded Hypermodel features an ultra rigid frame, ensuring exceptional stability in even the hardest conditions without the need for extra struts.
Significantly lighter, with up to a 25% weight reduction compared to the Supermodel HTF, the Hypermodel promises a unforgettable experience. Test riders are thrilled with its enhanced performance.
Generating more apparent wind, means you can choose a smaller kite in lighter winds. You’ll love
the drift, quick precise turning, and won’t worry about front-stalls. - BOOST AND HANGTIME
Reedin HYPERMODEL Kite is so much faster. You’ll be amazed at how it shoots you up in the sky, generating smooth power in your heli and downloops to glide you down softly. - FAST PROGRESSION
Having a faster kite means you can practice tricks in lighter winds, making it much safer to
progress. Keep your board off longer, loop more confidently, and stick those landings with ease. - WAVERIDING
Improved drift gives a very consistent line tension allowing you to line up more turns and hit more
sections than ever before. - CONFIDENCE
Thanks to its SUPERMODEL DNA, the flight characteristics will instantly boost your confidence.
It’s stable, predictable, and gives superb bar feedback.
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