Tarifa is the most southern point in Europe, world widely known for having insane winds! If you are hoping to get very consistent wind, this is the place to go. There are loads of different spots that work depending on the wind direction.
In Tarifa, you have a Levante that blows from the east and the Poniente that blows from the west. Between these two winds, you can get up to 340 days of wind in Tarifa each year! There are many different spots along the coast both to the east and west of Tarifa which is the windiest spot, but as you drive further east and west the wind decreases. This is because of the funneling effect between the mountains behind Tarifa and the mountains in Africa. Often it can be 45 knots in Tarifa, but maybe a nice gentle 20 knots further along the coast. The most popular spots are Los Lances, Balneario, Valdevaqueros and Los canos de Meca.
Wind season : All year
Air temperature: 24C-29C ( May-Sep )
Water temperature: 18C -23C ( May-Sep )
Wave spots :Yes